Sunday, June 28, 2009

crazy days

We are currently in the process of looking for a new house. Looking for the past few weeks has tuned up a few promising areas then we weren't jumping up and down either. So we are patiently waiting for our house to be unearthed. Because we are looking for a new house and we have been renting for the past 7 years I am so excited to decorate. I haven't been able to paint my walls or make custom drapes because painting isn't allowed and drapes are expensive to make for a rental then move and not have enough to do a room or the dimensions change. So for the past 7 years I have just opted not to do anything fun that way. I am very eager to paint! Sew! and landscape. Having said that I will be posting fave sites/blogs that I am inspired by this week.

I have been a huge fan of One Pretty Thing for a while now but for the life of me don't know why I haven't given props yet. The site is wonderful. During the week they post 'daily inspirations for a handmade life'. LOVE IT. You can seriously begin making Christmas presents for everyone in your family today and be done by September. Absolutely a bookmark, tell your friends, shout from the rooftops wondermus must see site.

I have a few projects in the works for you with tutorials and pics. Hoping to finish soon. While this week is super busy with making a wedding cake for a gorgeous couple having a July 4th wedding. All while working on E's baptism dress for next week. She has picked out her favorite parts from different dresses that we have seen online and I will be making it in any spare time this week ie midnight. Of course I will post photos when the dress is finished.

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Melanie and Jarom said...

Hey Laura!
Its Melanie Ellis- I was trying hard to remember your blogspot address and it just came to me today! So I got to spy on you... thats great you are looking for a new place- let me know if you need help or if you don't have a realtor yet- even if you do I'd be happy to give you any second opinions or advice. Hope you guys are doing well and I still want to have that photo shoot!!

Photography By Jo said...

Hey Laura,
I appreciate your comment on my blog. I DO need to be more careful I guess!!! OPPS! I did not even catch that if I had I would have done something about it. I removed the comment only because I didn't want to embarrass the family but I do appreciate you pointing it out! :D