Monday, March 2, 2009

ABC fun

Photography is a creative outlet in my life. This past weekend I had so much fun doing a shoot of things around the house that describe what the kids would relate to the ABC's. I had a FREE photo book from Shutterfly and I could pick any of the Creating Keepsakes designer books.... of course I chose the ABC book by Jessica Sprague. So fun!!! Here are some pics from that shoot.


These are D's 'P' is for pirates.



This is M's new violin. 'V' is for violin.


Who can forget 'c' is for cookie! yes I had to make cookies to get this shot, shuckie darn.


'W' is for wall-e. D's first movie love.

And lastly why wouldn't I use my own monster's names for their own alphabet letters?



'M' had fun taking pictures. Some normal faces from him this day. Gotta love his dimples... I sure do.



'E' didn't have a hard time just relaxing in front of the camera. She normally poses and gets weird with with smiles. So sweet.



So 'D' wouldn't hold still to get a pic.... or finish changing his clothes after breakfast. So naked shoulders and his impish shoulder shrug. My heart melts.

Love natural light shooting.

1 comment:

Photography By Jo said...

MMmm Those cookies are making me hungry for some!!!